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 Ten Keypad Parts

Until now
Since there are few kinds of keypads available as standard parts in the drawing software, a keypad suitable for a screen may not be displayed.
Now this is possible!
It's possible to use swtiches or lamps provided by the drawing software and the parts created with a bit map as keypad parts.

It's possible to select a keypad via a screen image.
As for the buttons created with a bit map, some shapes and colors are available. It's possible to set them as you like.
It's possible to create a bit map by yourself.

* GP77R series, GP377 series, GP2000 series, and GLC series support this functionality.
 (There are some keypads that cannot be displayed depending on a display color.)
* GP-PRO/PB III for Windows Ver. 6.0 or higher is required.

Download a sample program file and detailed description.

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