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 About Symbols whose data type are undefined

In the settings of [Node Name], put a check mark on [Link to Device Data and Symbol Data]. Then, the Word Symbols of the screen project file are imported as unknown (undefined) data type when the screen project file of 'GP-Pro EX' or 'GP-PRO/PBlll for Windows®' is imported.

・Using with 'Pro-Studio EX'
To use an undefined data type of symbol with 'Pro-Studio EX', you are requested to input the data type.

・Using with 'Pro-Server API'
There are two types of 'Pro-Server API', API requiring separate specification of data type and that requiring no specification.

API type
With separate specification
The API prioritizes the data type separately specified over the symbol data type.
Without specification
When the specified symbol is a 16-bit devices, the symbol 16-bit signed;
when the specified symbol is a 32-bit devices, it becomes 32-bit signed.

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