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 How to register the parts image
You can register the image (BMP, JPG, DPD, PNG files) that you have arbitrarily prepared at users' end as a parts image.
1. Double-click the part that you would like to register a new image onto. The setting dialog box will open. Click [Select Shape].

2. The [Shape Browser] dialog box will open. Click [New Palette].

3. The [Save As] dialog box will open. Set [Save in] and [File name] of the palette that you would like to register newly. Click [Save].

4. The following dialog box will open. Click [Yes(Y)].

5. The [Shape Browser] dialog box for new registration will open. Click [Create].

6. The [Register Part] dialog box will open. Select [State 0] and click [Select].

7. The [Open File] dialog box will open. Select [Look in] and [File name] of the image that you would like to register newly. Click [Open].

8. The image will be registered on [State 0] in the [Register Part] dialog box.

9. The registration will be completed after setting the image parts number and the number of the colors on [Title] and [Color Settings] as you like.
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