Important notice to our valued customers who use Rockwell Automation, Inc. EtherNet/IP driver with Custom String data type.
Posted: 2010, June 4
Updated: 2013, Jan. 7
Thank you very much for your continuous use of Pro-face products.
We have confirmed that the following symptom has been seen in GP-Pro EX.
The symptom for this problem are indicated below.
We sincerely apologize for any inconvenience this may cause you.
Symptom descriptions
If the L5K file with the settings for the Custom String data is imported to the screen editor software "GP-Pro EX" and a part in the String data is edited with the software, it may be forcibly terminated.
Applicable combination of products
The followings are applicable products.
PLC driver :
Rockwell Automation, Inc. EtherNet/IP Ver. 1.16.15
The above driver is for the customers who downloaded the driver of corresponding version from our homepage.
(Screen Creation Software "GP-Pro EX" does not include the above driver.)
Update to the latest version (Ver. 1.16.17) of Rockwell Automation, Inc EtherNet/IP driver, and transfer it to the unit.
Download the update module from our website to update your GP-Pro EX.
→ Ver. 1.16.17 update module
To download the module, free member registration for “Otasuke Pro!” is required. Click here to register.
If you have any inquiries, please contact our sales office in your region.
For contact information, please refer to the "Inquiry" page.