30.1 Logic Programming Steps

Use the following steps to create logic programs.

1. On logic supported models, create a new project file.

30.2 Preparing to Create Logic Programs

2. Register addresses in use.

30.3 Addresses used in the logic program

3. Insert rungs and branches.

30.4 Rung and Branch Insertion

4. Insert instructions

30.5 Editing Instructions

30.6 Assigning Addresses to Instructions

5. Map external I/O with symbol variables.

31.1 Controlling External I/O

6. Check for errors.

34.10 Checking Errors

30.11 Logic Program Error Correction

7. Transfer the logic program.

30.10 Transferring Logic Programs

8. Monitor the logic program.

30.12 Monitoring Logic Programs on the Computer (Online Monitor)

30.13 Monitoring logic programs on the display unit (Logic Monitor)

9. Correct bugs in the logic program.

30.12.5 Editing monitored logic programs (Online Editing)