

Pro-face inaugurates “Pro-face for the best interface” as its global corporate slogan

Posted: October 27, 2011


Pro-face, the global leader of Human Machine Interface (HMI) and factory data communication solutions, announced the inauguration of the use of “Pro-face for the best interface” as its global slogan. While we have enjoyed business for over 20 years as the leading HMI manufacturer, we are currently experiencing rapid globalization and are shifting our business targets. To show our corporate attitude to our employees, customers, and stakeholders, we have established a worldwide standard slogan to set out a new foundation.

The new slogan represents our plan to expand our field of business beyond HMIs, and rather to cover a broad variety of interfaces, pursuing the greatest interface solutions possible. It showcases our intention to answer our customers’ and stakeholders’ requirements with the best possible solutions. Each and every Pro-face employee will, in and of themselves, be the greatest interface to serve our customers worldwide.


Slogan Logo

Symbol Image “Pro-face Ring”

About Our New Slogan

Start of use: October 17, 2011
Announcement media: Name cards, envelopes, exhibitions, promotional tools (catalogs, websites)