Important Notification to customers that are using GP-Pro EX Ver. 3.0 or later
Posted: Sep. 30, 2014
Thank you very much for your continuous use of Pro-face products.
We have confirmed the following symptoms on GP-Pro EX Ver. 3.0 or later.
The symptom and corrective measures for this problem are indicated below.
We sincerely apologize for any inconvenience this may cause you.
Symptom descriptions
When screen was changed two times and language was changed with global window is displayed, system error occurs on HMI.
Applicable combination of products
Editor [ GP-Pro EX]:
Product model | PFXEXEDV30 to PFXEXEDV40 |
Target Version | GP-Pro EX Ver.3.00.000 to Ver. 4.02.000 |
How to confirm the version | [Help (H)] → [About this program (A)] |
Programmable HMI:
SP5000 Series | ALL |
GP4000 Series | ALL (excluded GP4100) |
LT4000 Series | ALL |
WinGP (IPC and PC/AT compatible machine) | EX-WINGP-IPC, EX-WINGP-PCAT |
This symptom occurs on HMI. When this symptom occurrs, HMI can be recovered by reset or power off/on.
When global window is displayed, do not change the language.
As a permanent measure, this symptom will be improved at next version of GP-Pro EX at November 2014.
If you have any inquiries, please contact our sales office in your region.
For contact information, please refer to the "Inquiry" page.