Information to our valued customers who use In-Sight Vision Systems Driver
Posted: 2012, Jan. 10
Thank you very much for your continuous use of Pro-face products.
We have confirmed that the following symptom occurs in GP-Pro EX.
The symptom and corrective measures for this problem are indicated below.
We sincerely apologize for any inconvenience this may cause you.
When a color model of the COGNEX In-Sight vision system is connected to the graphic operator interface,
images cannot be displayed or saved.
images cannot be displayed or saved.
Applicable product
Applicable when the following products are used in combination.
Screen Editor Software "GP-Pro EX":
PLC Driver:
Cognex Corp. In-Sight Vision Systems Driver V1.10.00
Screen Editor Software "GP-Pro EX":
Product model | PFXEXEDV27, PFXEXEDV30 |
Applicable version | GP-Pro EX Ver. 2.70.000 to Ver. 3.00.000 |
How to check the version | [Help(H)] → [About this program(A)] |
PLC Driver:
Cognex Corp. In-Sight Vision Systems Driver V1.10.00
If you need to display or save images, please use a monochrome model.
If you have any inquiries, please contact our sales office in your region.
For contact information, please refer to the "Inquiry" page.