Important announcement to our customers who use GP-PRO/PBIII C-Package03 Ver. 7.26
Posted: 2007, August 2
Thank you very much for your continuous use of Pro-face products.
We have confirmed that the following symptom has been seen in GP-PRO/PBIII C-Package03 Ver. 7.26.
The symptom for this problem are indicated below.
We sincerely apologize for any inconvenience this may cause you.
When D-script is used in a screen data where the protocol of * SLC500 Series of Rockwell Automation, Inc. (Allen Bradley) is selected on GP-PRO/PBIII C-Package03 Ver. 7.26, the addresses set in the D-Script may be wrongly changed when the screen data is re-opened.
* For SLC500 Series only
Please do not open the screen data with the protocol of SLC500 Series of Rockwell Automation, Inc. (Allen Bradley) on GP-PRO/PBIII C-Package03 Ver. 7.26.
→ Remedy
Affected Customers
The customers who use GP-PRO/PBIII C-Package03 Ver. 7.26 and also use D-Script in the screen data where the protocol of SLC500 Series of Rockwell Automation, Inc. (Allen Bradley) is selected.
Occurrence Conditions
- If the screen data, where the protocol of SLC500 Series of Rockwell Automation, Inc. (Allen Bradley) is selected, is created with D-Script on GP-PRO/PBIII C-Package03 Ver. 7.26.
- If the screen data, where the protocol of SLC500 Series of Rockwell Automation, Inc. (Allen Bradley) is selected, is created with D-Script on any version prior to GP-PRO/PBIII C-Package03 Ver. 7.26, and is opened on Ver. 7.26.
When the protocol of SLC500 Series of Rockwell Automation, Inc. (Allen Bradley) is selected on GP-PRO/PBIII C-Package03 Ver. 7.26, and a word address in LS area and a bit address in LS area are mixed in D-Script's execution expression, the word address in LS area will change after the screen data is re-opened. (Ex.1)
Also, whether a word address and a bit address are mixed or not, the information of bit position in LS device is changed after the screen data is re-opened. (Ex.2)

Avoidance Method
Please download the update module from the following website and update GP-PRO/PBIII C-Package03 to Ver. 7.27 to avoid the symptom described above.
→ GP-PRO/PBIII C-Package03 Ver. 7.27
* Membership registration (free) of our support site, "Otasuke Pro!", is required.
If the screen data has been already created or opened on GP-PRO/PBIII C-Package03 Ver. 7.26, set the addresses again on Ver.7.27.
How to correct the address
Delete "01" added to the word address (Refer to Symptom (Ex.1))
Correct the bit address wrongly re-written (Refer to Symptom (Ex.2))
How to confirm the update
Please confirm the version of GP-PRO/PBIII C-Package03 in the following way.
[How to confirm the version of GP-PRO/PBIII C-Package03]
Start up GP-PRO/PBIII C-Package03, and select [About] in the [Help] bar.
Please confirm that the version of GP-PRO/PBIII C-Package03 is Ver. 7.27 after the update is completed.

If you have any inquiries, please contact our sales office in your region.
For contact information, please refer to the "Inquiry" page.