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Connection Configuration Document Report
-> Please choose "reference data" from the following list.

-- Attention --
- Since there are cautions, restrictions, etc., please be sure to confirm "Reference Data" for details.
- Respective link unit, specific connection option, specific cable, etc. are needed for each connection.

: Enabled   : Supports the 3X50 series, the GP3X00 series only
: Need to download the new driver  : Disabled   : Not evaluated

Linkunit I/F Protocol GP2000 Series GP3000 Series reference data
1:1 1:n n:1 1:1 1:n n:1
CPU Direct RS422 FX Series CPU Direct
ok2 ng ng ok2 ng ng reference data
FX-232AW RS232C FX Series CPU Direct
ok2 ng ng ok2 ng ng reference data

Fatal error: Smarty error: [in footer.tpl line 22]: syntax error: unrecognized tag 'var' (Smarty_Compiler.class.php, line 580) in /data/www/www2/etc/agp_connect/lib/Smarty/Smarty.class.php on line 1088