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Connection Configuration Document Report
-> Please choose "reference data" from the following list.

-- Attention --
- Since there are cautions, restrictions, etc., please be sure to confirm "Reference Data" for details.
- Respective link unit, specific connection option, specific cable, etc. are needed for each connection.

: Enabled   : Supports the 3X50 series, the GP3X00 series only
: Need to download the new driver  : Disabled   : Not evaluated

Linkunit I/F Protocol GP2000 Series GP3000 Series reference data
1:1 1:n n:1 1:1 1:n n:1
ok2 ng ng ok2 ng ng reference data
Serial Port RS422 MODBUS SLAVE
ok2 ng ok2 ok2 ng ok2 reference data
Ethernet Port Ethernet MODBUS SLAVE
ng ng ng ok ok ok reference data

Fatal error: Smarty error: [in footer.tpl line 22]: syntax error: unrecognized tag 'var' (Smarty_Compiler.class.php, line 580) in /data/www/www2/etc/agp_connect/lib/Smarty/Smarty.class.php on line 1088