How to Use Adobe(R) Reader(R) |
This manual is provided in PDF format.This section explains only frequently used features taking Ver. 7.0 as a sample. |
Viewing the Table of Contents |
Each chapter has red-bordered markers attached to it. Click the plus signs to view table of contents details. Click the marker's topic and the corresponding page appears. |
To insert line feeds to match the bookmark width, click Option and then select the Wrap Long Bookmarks check box. |
Turning Pages |
Use the navigation controls on the bottom of the screen to move around the document or change the display method. |
Returns to the last displayed page. |
Input the page number to open and press the [Enter] key and the inputted page will be displayed. |
Displays the first page or the last page. |
Displays one page before or after the current page. |
Printing |
Click the button and in the Print dialog box define what to print. |
In Print Range field specify the pages to print.
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To print only the currently displayed page, turn ON [Current page]. |
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To specify the print range, turn ON and enter the start and end pages. |
Searching |
Click the button and in the Search panel define what to search for. |
Input the phrase you want to search. |
Specify the search range. To search other PDF documents as well, turn ON

, and define the folders containing PDF documents. |
Click the button and to start searching. |
When the search ends, the search result will be displayed. Click blue phrases to display the page containing the phrase. |
Learning Other Features |
For more details on how to work with Adobe(R)Reader(R), refer to Adobe(R)Reader(R) online help. |
Click [Help] from the menu bar, and select [Adobe Reader Help] from the pull-down menu which appears. |
The help screen appears. |