5.4.21 System Settings [E-mail] Settings Guide

To check the models that support E-mail, refer to the following.

1.5 Supported Features

Sender Settings

Enable E-mail

Select the check box to send e-mail.

SMTP Server Name

Specify the SMTP server name with up to 255 characters. You can use single-byte alphanumeric characters and the following symbols.

Single-byte symbols: - .

User Name

Specify the user name for the SMTP server with up to 31 characters. You can use single-byte alphanumeric characters and the following symbols.

Single-byte symbols: ! " # $ % & ' ( ) * + , - . / : ; < = > ? @ [ \ ] ^ _ ` { | } ~


Specify the login password for the SMTP server with up to 127 characters. You can use single-byte alphanumeric characters and the following symbols.

Single-byte symbols: ! " # $ % & ' ( ) * + , - . / : ; < = > ? @ [ \ ] ^ _ ` { | } ~

Click the icon [] to display the password.

Sender E-mail Address

Set the sender e-mail address with up to 255 characters. You can use single-byte alphanumeric characters and the following symbols.

Single-byte symbols: ! " # $ % & ' ( ) * + , - . / : ; < = > ? @ [ \ ] ^ _ ` { | } ~

Port Number

Specify the port number for e-mail transmission from, 1 to 65535.


Select the authentication from [No Authentication], [Automatic], [LOGIN], [PLAIN], [CLAM-MD5], or [DIGEST-MD5].


Select the encryption from [No Encryption], [STARTTLS] or [SMTPS].

Display Error On Failed E-Mail Transmission

Select this check box to display error message RAAA025 when e-mail transmission has failed.

SSL Certificate

When a root certificate is required, select the [SSL Certificate] check box and select a root certificate (*.pem) suitable for the mail server. The selected file is transfered to the display unit on transferring the project.

Control Word Address

Specify the word address for controlling e-mail transmissions and file attachments.

Set the receiver group and turn ON bit 1 (request to send e-mail bit). Tun ON bit 0 (start bit) to send e-mail.

Specify the file to attach in [Attachment File Name Word Address] and turn ON bit 2 (request to attach file bit) in the control word address to attach a file to e-mail. Turn ON bit 0 (start bit) to start file attachment operation.

Status Word Address

Specify the word address that stores the status of e-mail transmissions and file attachment operations. Use 2 consecutive words from the specified address.

Bit 0 (operation bit) is ON while e-mail transmission or file attachment is in progress. Bit 1 (completion bit) turns ON when the operation is complete.

When the operation does not complete successfully, the error status is stored in the significant 4 bits.

Bit 12 to 15



Completed successfully


Failed to initialize memory or function


Failed to read attached files, which total more than the [Maximum Attachment File Size].


SMTP communication error


Other errors (such as the receiver group number is "0", data structure of e-mail does not exist or is invalid.)

SMTP server errors are saved when the error status is "10".

Bit 0 to 11



Completed successfully


Failed to initialize memory or function


Failed to resolve server name


Failed to connect to server


Certificate error


Failed to login


Communication error


Failed to disconnect




Errors other than those above


Attachment File Name Word Address

Set up the address that specifies the e-mail file attachment. Use 640 consecutive words from the specified address.

You can attach a maximum 5 files. You can attach files from external storage only.

Specify the full path of file name starting from the root folder in external storage. The path can contain up to 255 single-byte characters (or 127 double-byte characters).

For example, attachment file saved in SD card \SD\DATA\00001.BIN


Maximum attachment size

Set the maximum total file size from 10 to 3600 KB.

The number of files you can attach to e-mail depends on the size of files. A maximum 5 files, with a total file size up to 3600 KB.


Receiver Groups

Double-click a row or select a row and click [Edit] to display the following dialog box.


Set up receiver e-mail addresses.

Click the icon and set the address in the [E-mail Address] dialog box.

To remove e-mail addresses, select the address and click icon.


Set up the e-mail subject and body. The maximum number of characters you can enter is 499.

To make part or all of the [Subject] variable, click [Input Address] and configure indirect settings.


Set up the e-mail body. The maximum number of characters you can enter is 4999.

To make part or all of the [Body] variable, click [Input Address] and configure indirect setting.

E-mail Options

You can display the Address Input dialog box when editing the [Subject] or [Body] of e-mail

Address Input

Displays the [Address Input] dialog box. Use to insert device addresses and system variables.

The number of addresses and system variables you can set for the [Subject] is up to 15 and for the [Body] is up to 255.

Select from [Bit Address], [16 Bit Bin(+/-) Address], [16 Bit Bin Address], [32 Bit Bin(+/-) Address], [32 Bit Bin Address], or [Text].

The stored number is handled in decimal notation.

When [Text] is selected, character codes are stored using the current language code. You can use up to 100 single-byte characters (or 50 double-byte characters). When the display language for software menus is set to [English], the character code for the e-mail subject and body is ASCII. When set to [Japanese], the code is Shift-JIS.

Set up a device address, symbol variable, or system variable.