26.18 Enhanced Recipe Data Flow

You can directly transfer enhanced recipe data between the display unit and the device/PLC without storing data in backup memory (SRAM).

  1. Transfer enhanced recipe data between the internal memory of the display unit and the device/PLC
    26.19.2 Transfer - Creating and Transferring Enhanced Recipe Data

  2. Save to or read from external storage
    You can change (import) data in the display unit by saving enhanced recipe data in CSV format to external storage or reading CSV data from external storage.
    26.20 Importing and Exporting Enhanced Recipe Data

Transfer Methods

Automatic transfer

By using a system variable (#H_Recipe_ID, #H_RecipeControlSend etc.) such as a script etc., you can specify, transfer or receive enhanced recipe data without using the enhanced recipe list.

Manual transfer

To transfer or receive, select recipe labels to transfer from the enhanced recipe list and touch the [Transfer] or [Receive] switch.