19.15.3 XY Historical Scatter Graph - Display/Color

Channel Number

Select the Channel to configure the graph display and color.

Line Type

Specify whether to draw a line on the graph.

When checked, select a type of line from among 5 patterns:

  • If the Graph screen is 16 pixels or less, any pattern other than a solid line may not properly display.

  • When comparing dot pattern with line pattern, the line pattern is drawn first.

Line Thickness

Set the line thickness from 1 to 2.

Display Color

Set the line color.

Background Color

If you selected a line type other than the solid line, set the line's background color.

Pixel Size

Specify whether to show the points on the graph. When selected, select a dot type from among the 7 patterns:,,,,,,The dot size is fixed at 5 pixels.

Display Color

Set the dot color.


Specify whether to curve the line within the display range when the data values exceeded the specified value of the display range.

When [Curved Lines] is selected, the value over the display range is displayed as a preset upper level. When both X and Y values exceed the display range, the value where the X and Y upper limits cross will be displayed.

When [Straight Lines] is selected, the value over the display range is not displayed.

  • When displaying a graph, if the 16-bit display range is exceeded, the graph will be curved regardless of the Curve setting.

Display Condition

Select the graph display condition.

Always displays the graph.

Displays the graph when [Display ON/OFF Address] is OFF an hides the graph when [Display ON/OFF Address] is ON.

Displays the graph when [Display ON/OFF Address] is ON an hides the graph when [Display ON/OFF Address] is OFF.

Display ON/OFF Address

Set the bit address to turn ON/OFF the graph display.

Graph Area Color

Select a color for the Graph Display Area.


Select the blink and blink speed. You can choose different blink settings for [Display Color], [Background Color], and [Graph Area Color].