Statistical Data Display - Display

Select the font and attributes.


Set a font for the text.

Font Type

Select a font type for the statistical data from [Standard Font], [Stroke Font], [Image Font], or [Bitmap Font].

Stroke Font and Standard Font

  • Standard Font

You can specify the vertical and horizontal dimensions of a character in bitmap fonts. When you magnify/shrink characters, the outline may become rough or the letter may appear compressed.

  • Stroke Font

This is an outline font where the ratio of the character height and width is fixed. The letters will have a smooth outline even if you magnify/shrink them. However, this font uses more disk space on the display unit.


Choose a font size for the statistical data.

  • Standard Font

(8 to 64) x (8 to 128)

  • Standard Font (Fixed Size)

[6x10], [8x13], [13x23] (Display is single-byte characters only)

  • Stroke Font

6 to 127

Text Attributes

Select the text attributes.

  • Standard Font

Choose from [Standard], [Bold], or [Shadow].
(When using the fixed font size [6x10], select either [Standard] or [Shadow].)

  • Stroke Font

Choose from [Standard], [Bold], [Outline]

  • When using [Auto-size Font] with either [7-segment Display] or [Stroke Font], the [Text Attribute] cannot be defined.

Image Font

Window font will be converted to bitmap images and displayed on a display unit.

Select Font

Define the font, and set the [Style], [Size], and [Font Set]. The properties you can define (Style, Size, and Font Set), vary between fonts.

  • You cannot select a proportional font.

  • Characters of the image font used in Data Display [Statistical Data Display] will be automatically registered. You can check registered content in [Characters Used] from the [Image Font Setting] dialogue box.

Bitmap Font

You can use prepared bitmap images to uniquely express numeric values and symbols.


Select the model to use from the registered bitmap font models.


Set a color for the bitmap font.

Font Size

  • Width

Set the Bitmap font width from 1 to 200.

  • Height

Set the Bitmap font height from 1 to 400.


Set whether the background of the bitmap font will be transparent.

  • Depending on the model, you may not be able to use the transparent setting.


Preview all characters, such as numeric values and symbols, of the selected model.

Display Format

There are three ways to display statistical data: [Percentage], [Numeric Value], and [Numeric Value + Percentage].

Total Display Digits

If the [Display Format] is set to [Numeric Value] or [Percentage + Value], set the digits to be displayed in the Statistical Data Display. Numbers after the decimal point are included in the display digits. However, the decimal point is not included in the display digits.

Specify Decimal Places

Select the designation method for specifying the Decimal Places. This setting is available when the [Data Type] is [Bin] or [Float].

Specify a fixed value for the Decimal Places. (Direct Specification)

Specify the address where the Decimal Places are stored. (Indirect Specification)

Decimal Places


When [Specify Decimal Places] is [constant], select the number of digits after the decimal point.

When the Total Display Digits is 5, and the Number of Decimal Places is 2, it will look as follows:

The number of decimal places you can set up depends on the [Data Type].

Data Length

Data Type

Total Display Digits

Decimal Places

16 bit


1 to 11

1 to 10


32 bit


1 to 11

1 to 10



1 to 17

1 to 16

Number of Decimal Places Address


When the [Decimal Places Specification] is [Address], specify the Address where Decimal Places are stored.

Display Style

There are three ways of positioning statistical data: [Align Right], [Align Left], and [Align Center].

Zero Suppress

If this option is selected, leading zeros are not displayed.

For example, Number of Display Digits = 4

7-segment Display

Select this option to show values as a 7-segment display.

Auto-size Font

For use with the Stroke Font, select this option to display the value without the top and bottom margins.


Displays the data image according to the settings.