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 RHAA054(Node Name): You cannot write the read only device (Address: (Device Address))

Error Details

The error message [RHAA054(Node Name): You cannot write the read only device (Address: (Device Address))] appeared on the GP3000 screen.


The protocol driver detected read-out of the write only device address, or write-in of the write only device address.


1. Check the details of the error code you have received on the manual of your PLC.
2. Confirm the write only device address isn't set to read on the GP unit.
If any part that performs reading operation, such as a Lamp or Data Display, is used, change its address to the read address or remove the part.

If the error occurred in all screens, check the addresses set via functions that operate in all screens, such as System Data Area, Alarm, Global D-script, Global Window and Sampling (Historical Trend Graph).
If the error occurred in a specific screen, check the settings on the screen on which the error occurred.

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