Filing Display - Basic

ID Number

An ID number related to the [Filing] Display and a Switch Lamp [Special Switch] [File Item Switch]. The value can be between 0 and 255.

When placing two or more [Filing] Displays on one screen, ensure that this number is unique.

File Number

Designate the filing data number to display in the [Filing] Display from 0 to 2047.

Via Internal Device

Set to transfer via the internal device when transferring filing data. By temporarily storing filing data in the internal device, you can use a Data Display to view and edit data on the screen.

26.17.4 Manual Transfer Via Internal Device

Storage Start Address

When [Via Internal Device] is set, select a start address for data stored there.

Transfer Complete Flag

Set to confirm that transfer backup memory (SRAM) to device/PLC is complete with a designated bit.

Inter-PLC Transfer Complete Bit Address

Set the bit address to confirm that transfer is complete.

Direct Selection

To select data to transfer, touch displayed item names. Or, use the up/down cursor switches to select item names.

Remember Cursor Position

Set to save the current cursor position when a screen change occurs.