26.26 Confirming Which Enhanced Recipe's data is Transferred

When you transfer enhanced recipes to the device/PLC, you can write the recipe ID and recipe label of these enhanced recipes to a defined address.

D800: Recipe ID
D801..832: Recipe label

Setup Procedure

  1. From the [Common Settings] menu select [Enhanced Recipe Settings], open the recipe group tab (RecipeGroup1), then click [Send Options].

  2. [Send Options] dialog box. Set the items to transfer, the destination address, then click [OK].

Destination address data structure

[Destination] field. Use one word for the recipe ID and 32 words for the recipe label. If you select both the recipe ID and recipe label, first the recipe ID is stored, followed by the recipe label.

Using the character code defined in the enhanced recipe group's [Language] setting, the recipe label is stored in the [Destination]. If there are 2 or more label languages, as defined in [Select label languages], the system uses the language of the label displayed when the enhanced recipe is transferred.

Character codes for recipe labels

[Destination]. Recipe labels written to this address are stored using one of the following character codes corresponding to the current language.



Compatible Character Codes




Windows Codepage 932 (Shift_JIS)

Chinese (Traditional)

Windows Codepage 950 (Big5)

Chinese (Simplified)

Windows Codepage 936 (GBK)


Windows Codepage 949

Russian (Cyrillic)

OEM 866


Windows 874