M.9.6 Checking if communication is possible on the side with the CANopen master supported display unit (master side)

Check if the master side can accept communication when the slave is connected to the master.

  1. Go to offline mode and touch [Peripheral Settings] on the item changeover switch.

  2. [Peripheral Settings] screen opens. Touch [I/O Driver] and then [CANopen Driver].

  3. [I/O Driver] screen opens. Touch [CANopen Master Diagnostics].

  4. [CANopen Master Diagnostics] screen opens. Check the [Network State] and [Communication Status]. (Example, Network State=[OPERATIONAL], Communication Status=[Network operational], [Master operational] indicates that the master is operating normally.)
    For details on [Network State] and [Communication status], refer to the following.
    M.25.3.1 Peripheral Settings - Master diagnostics