Importing Symbol Variables

  1. In the [Edit Symbol Variables] window, click [Utility] and then click [Import].
    For CSV files exported from GP-Pro EX, select [GP-Pro EX Format].
    For CSV files exported from the other application software, select [Other Formats].

  2. Specify the CSV file to import and then click [Open].
    If you selected the CSV file exported from GP-Pro EX, proceed to step 4.
    If you selected the CSV file exported from the other application software, proceed to step 3.

    • If importing from a CSV file, specify the [Delimiter Setting] according to the separator character used in the file selected.

  3. The [Import Symbol Variable] dialog box appears. Edit the data as necessary and click [OK (O)].

  4. Import will be completed after error checking. If an error message is displayed, check the contents of the message and then click [OK (O)].

    • If the CSV file is not in the appropriate format as shown below, an error message will be displayed and import cannot be completed.

    • CSV files exported from GP-Pro EX

      • The name [Name] has not been entered, or an inappropriate character has been used.

      • The symbol variable name already exists in the file.

      • The type [Type] has not been input, or undefined text has been used.

      • The array size has not been input, or sequential numbers have not been used.

      • Array is set up but the [Type] does not support arrays.

      • The keep setting "1" has been input for the Bit Address or Word Address.

      • The keep setting "1" has not been specified for the PID variable.

    • CSV files exported from the other application software

      • If [Name], [Address] and [Type] are not specified

      • If the number of columns exceeds the upper limit (255)

      • If the number of rows exceeds the upper limit (65535)