13.2.1 Procedure - Turning the Lamp ON/OFF with the ON/OFF Bit

On the display unit, shows the ON/OFF state of the device/PLC bit address.

  1. From the [Parts (P)] menu, point to [Switch Lamp (C)] and select [Lamp (L)] or click to place a lamp on the screen.

  2. Double-click the placed lamp. The Switch/Lamp dialog box appears.

  3. In [Select Shape], choose the lamp shape. Click [OK].

  4. Set the bit address to turn the lamp ON or OFF.

  5. Click the [Color] tab. In [Select State], choose ON or OFF, then set the [Display Color], [Pattern], and [Border Color] for each state.

    • Depending on the shape, you may not be able to change the color.

  6. Click the [Label] tab. Define the label to appear on the Lamp. Specify the font type and size, and then in the rectangular field type the text to display. Click [OK].

    • When you select a lamp and press the [F2] key, you can directly edit the text on the label.