Historical Trend Graph - Display/Basic

Display Direction

Select the graph display direction.

Data Samples

Set the number of sets of data samples to display on a single line. The range depends on the defined model's resolution.


Data Samples

320 x 240 pixels (QVGA)


640 x 480 pixels (VGA)


800 x 600 pixels (SVGA) or higher


Samples to Scroll

Select the number of sets of data to remove when the graph fills the Display Area. This can only be set when the Graph Type is [Normal]. Set this within the range specified by [Data Samples].

Scale Divisions

Vertical Major Scale/Minor Scale

Set whether to display the major and minor scale on the trend graph's Y-axis. If so, choose the number of divisions. The number of divisions can be set from 1 to 638 for Major Scale, and from 2 to 638 for Minor Scale.

Horizontal Major Scale/Minor Scale

Set whether to display the major and minor scale of horizontal axis on the trend graph's Y-axis. If so, choose the number of divisions. The number of divisions can be set from 1 to 638 for Major Scale, and from 2 to 638 for Minor Scale.

Channel Number

Select the Channel to configure the graph display condition.

Display Condition

Select the graph display condition.

Always displays the graph.

Displays the graph when [Display ON/OFF Address] is OFF and hides the graph when [Display ON/OFF Address] is ON.

Displays the graph when [Display ON/OFF Address] is ON and hides the graph when [Display ON/OFF Address] is OFF.

Display ON/OFF Address

Set the bit address to show or hide the graph display.