42.1.1 Procedure - Viewing the List of Addresses

Displays a list of the addresses specified in a project file.

  1. From the [Project (F)] menu, point to [Utility (T)] and select [Cross Reference (R)]. The [Cross Reference] dialog box appears.

  2. Select the screen or setting to be displayed from [Target].

  3. Select the Device/PLC of the target to be displayed.

  4. Select the [Type] of the address to be displayed.

  5. The list of addresses in use is displayed.

Export the List of Addresses

You can save (export) the List of Addresses that display in the Cross Reference in either the CSV format or text format.

  1. Display the List of Addresses you want to save (export) to the [Cross Reference] dialog box.
    Select the screen to display, the settings, the device/PLC and the address type for each one.

  2. Click [Export].

  3. In the dialog box that follows, select the [Save in] location. Specify the [File Name], [Save as type], and [Delimiter Setting(U)], and click [Save].

  4. Check the contents of the settings by opening the file you saved (exported) in the Microsoft Excel application or Notepad.